Eco-cultural Altaian Festival "HERE IS ETHNO!"
From July, 30th to August, 1st, 2011 in Chemalsky region of the Altay Republic the ethnical festival “HERE IS ETHNO!” will take place. Its organizers seek to promote the idea of ecological movement. Organizers translate the name as the "Eternity is Relative. Only the Energy of Warm Unknown is Evident”. The festival will be a unique open-air event in which a two-day music marathon will take place in ethnic style. The Festival place will be located in the recreation center “Ivolga”.
At the festival there will be a modern ethnic music (world music) represented by the musicians from Russia and foreign countries: David Swarup from Holland, who is among the ten world's best musicians playing hang drum (a percussion instrument of a very unusual look and sound) and Orta Pelleg from Israel (didgeridoo, mouth harp, etc.). Russia will be represented by a command such as: BIO trio, KalashnikovBand, MystTerra and Yoki from Moscow, Alatyr from Krasnodar, art-folk trio Destiny Lines from Novosibirsk, "A lot of Sky" and "Through the Water" from Barnaul.
The festival includes master-classes in crafts, art, musical instruments, psychology, human abilities as well as the crafts fair. Festival participants and guests are waiting for the mountain air and contact with creative people.
Based on the idea of ecotourism, which satisfies man's desire to communicate with nature, but to prevent a negative impact on her, "HERE IS ETHNO!" promises to be a major non-profit project under which not only the annual music festivals, and other activities will be carried but that will become the basis ecology-like harmony of man with what surrounds him.
The mission of the festival is to bring together into a cultural event those people who are interested in the ancient origins of the peoples of the earth, those who feel themselves united with the cycle of life, the greatness of the world and feels at the same time the inextricable connection with the space.
The aim of the festival is to demonstrate the importance of ecological culture for the balanced development of our society and every individual. Festival "HERE IS ETHNO!" is an eco-cultural event of summer 2011.